It was a feeling of accomplishment, honour & gratitude, returning to Florida (having satisfied my entrepreneurial targets-in Jamaica) after 12 years, (with my immediate family).
Fort Lauderdale, Florida was the place I took my leap of faith towards embarking on my journey of attaining my American Council on Exercise (ACE), Personal Trainer certification. Subsequent to my certification, I returned to Jamaica, whereby O’Shane Bryant Fitness formally began on The University of the West Indies (Mona Campus)
What The Past 12 Years (2012-2024) of Building O’Shane Bryant Fitness Was Like
It was physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually draining. As a journey, it was predominantly lonely. Even though I had the lofty vision of having Jamaicans throughout Jamaica benfiting from what OB Fitness has to offer, not having a gym, sleeping under gazebos and in electric rooms on the UWI Campus during my early entrepreneurial years, among the many others, served as fuel for my constant battle with self-doubt.
There were times I was angry. Angry at the people who couldn’t see the value what OB Fitness, and I had to offer. When I couldn’t meet the target in clientele & sales; and when I will have to cope with just 1 meal daily, along with being an unofficial resident of the campus, negative emotions & feeling will overwhelm.
But, in spite of all of this, I had belief that OB Fitness will reach & attract the people with similar values & alignment.
Return to Fort Lauderdale, Florida: The Product of 12 years Work. A Highlight of “His” Timing.
My return to Fort Lauderdale, with all of the love & support from the people we engaged with, is the product of 12 years of moving & working in the vision, which was enveloped in faith. The love & support received was beyond any scale I could have imagined. And for this alone, I say “thankyou”.
We look forward to next 12 years.

Selfie with Zumba Instructor Maribel after her fun Zumba Class at Plantation Seventh Day Adventist Health Fair
About The Author
Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; Licensed KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.