Personal Training System: General & Special Programs
The personal training system now features programs/systems that are general & special in nature. The general program structure is premised on the 12 sessions monthly & 8 sessions monthly training solutions (exercise with optional basic virtual nutrition support, 3 days monthly).
Personal Training System Package 1
Personal Training System Package 2
Basic Virtual Nutrition Support
Lifestyle Assessment: Fitness, Dietary Culture, Stress Coping
These solutions can be considered as entry level. In this training system members are supervised with their exercise regimen & dietary practices (where applicable), primarily via a virtual manner. Routinely on a 12-week basis, members of this system undergo a re-assessment with their trainer/supervisory team, whereby objectives & plans are updated specific to the needs & wants of the member.
Motivation for Special Programs Implementation
Members having been with OB Fitness for years, and reaching their desired health & body composition goals, is the major push for special programs to now be added as a feature of the Personal Training System.
Healthier & Fitter Me-Nurse Delone: My Determined Escape From The Traps of Diabetes & Hypertension
Through special programs, applicable members can expect to be challenged further, and receive greater transformational experiences, under the guidance of their designated OB Fitness team.
The general approach for special programs availability to members, include:
- Bi-monthly availability.
- Members, and/or interested persons must receive the clearance from an OB Fitness exercise or nutrition professional in writing.
Special Programs: January, 2023-March, 2023

January, 2023. To Register: WhatsApp 876-870-7812

February-March, 2023. To Register: WhatsApp 876-870-7812
Background on Christmas Burn-Off
Christmas Burn-Off Books (Jamaican Edition): Parent For Christmas Burn-Off and Flush & Vetox Programs.
Christmas Burn-Off Book 2 Exercises In the Jamaica Gleaner (December, 2017).
Jamaica Gleaner Christmas Burn-Off Article
Video: Christmas Burn-Off Books Discussion on Television Jamaica (TVJ) Daytime Live Show, 2017

Christmas Burn-Off Books Interview with Neville Bell. Source–
Video: Christmas Burn-Off Books Author Interview on Television Jamaica (TVJ) Smile Jamaica
About The Author
Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; Licensed KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.