Women with PCOS, and Fibroids, who desire bodyfat loss, are challenged. They are challenged more than women who don’t have any of these medical conditions. And, they are challenged more than men-with a desire/need of bodyfat loss.
PCOS & The Challenge(s) This Condition Presents On Bodyfat Loss
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is considered a relatively common condition among women. A feature of this condition is the ovaries higher than normal production of androgens (male hormones). “In some cases, a woman doesn’t make enough of the hormones needed to ovulate. This can cause more problems with a woman’s menstrual cycle. And it can cause many of the symptoms of PCOS.” John Hopkins Medicine: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Some Common Symptoms of PCOS Are
- Irregular periods or no symptoms at all.
- Weight gain/Central obesity (abdominal).
- Weight loss/Central obesity difficulty.
The Challenge PCOS Presents On Bodyfat Loss
For women, estrogen is very important for fat metabolism. “Estrogens and estrogen receptors regulate various aspects of glucose and lipid metabolism. Disturbances of this metabolic signal lead to the development of metabolic syndrome and a higher cardiovascular risk in women.” Estrogen Deficiency and the Origin of Obesity During Menopause ;BioMed Research International; 2014
This gives insight into why women with PCOS have higher central adiposity; as well as a much more difficult reality of reducing fat weight, particularly around the waist.
Fibroids & Challenges This Condition Presents On Bodyfat Loss
Like PCOS, Fibroids is considered a relatively common condition among women. “Uterine fibroids (also called leiomyomas) are growths made up of the muscle and connective tissue from the wall of the uterus.” Uterine Fibroids; Cleveland Clinic.
Two Challenges Fibroids Cause Women
- Central (abdominal) fat weight gain.
- Difficulty losing central fat weight.
“Uterine Fibroids occur mostly among women aged over 30 years, and women of childbearing age are mainly affected. However, some studies have revealed that the incidence rate of uterine fibroids is also very high in perimenopausal women aged 40–54 years due to ovarian hormone imbalance and related hormone imbalance. Common complications of uterine fibroids include anemia, osteoporosis and infertility, having long-term effects on patients.” A case-control study of the relationship between visceral fat and development of uterine fibroids: Experimental & Therapeutic Medicine; July, 2019.
Lifestyle Tips For Bodyfat Loss In Women With PCOS & Fibroids
It’s widely agreed that lifestyle practices such as exercise & diet, are effective methods towards treating & managing weight gain & obesity. This is true even among women with PCOS & Fibroids. The issue however, is that because of these conditions, bodyfat loss around the waist, and/or upper body seems almost impossible. And reason for frustration.
I share some exercise & general lifestyle tips with you.
Abdominal Fat Reduction Exercise Tips For Women With PCOS & Fibroids
If you’re functionally capable & medically clear, engage in an HIIT (high intensity Interval training) dominant exercise regimen. Aim to exercise 3-4 days weekly. Target 30-45 minutes total duration. Incorporate exercises with a multi-joint focus (multiple muscle groups working at the same time.
Exercise Examples
- Sprints.
- Olympic Lifting.
- Kickboxing Heavy-Bag Work.
Not only will this HIIT exercise method help you burn more calories during an exercise bout, relative to an isolated exercise model (eg. bicep curl, leg extension). But it will help you maximize fat oxidation at rest (EPOC: excess post-exercise oxygen consumption). And stimulate the increased production of fat oxidizing hormones, such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, & estrogen (women).
Abdominal Fat Reduction Diet Tips For Women With PCOS & Fibroids
If you haven’t been advised otherwise by your healthcare personnel (physician, dietician, clinical psychologist etc.,) , and you have an above-accepted waist-hip ratio, the dietary tips herein can be applied.
1. Develop a consistent sleep, wake, eat circadian rhythm. This rhythm should be applicable 5-7 days weekly. By mastering this, it becomes easier for you & your biologic system(s) to cope with your hunger & satiety cycles. Also, your body will get accustomed to the secretion of fat oxidizing hormones at different points of your day, among others.
2. Make vegetables (leafy greens & other colors) take up more than half of your plate.

Eat Your Way To A Leaner & Healthier You, With Our Personalized: High Fiber, med-low glycemic load diet. Click Image to start.
3. Have your protein sources be lean cuts (if animal sources). Or have your vegan source be without (or very low such as a teaspoonful) added fats & oils.
4. Select medium-low glycemic dominant carb sources. Examples include: sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes with skin, brown rice, quinoa, old fashioned oats, brown pasta.
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About The Author
Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.