Flush & Vetox: The Wholesome Vegetarian Diet For Weight Loss (long term)

The flush & vetox is a dietary program/system with the primary aims of:

1. Assisting members/participants increase their consumption of fibrous-rich foods, and foods as close as possible to their natural state.

2. Instilling dietary behaviors in members/participants that can lead to the inclusion of more fibrous-rich foods at ratios relative to other macronutrients, in support of good health, on a more consistent basis.

This is also a program that is geared towards using the foods that are in season; specific to the allergic profile of members & budget; meal consumption habits & more.

Components of Flush & Vetox

There are 2 main components of the flush & vetox program/system:

  • liquid (flush)
  • solid (vetox)

The flush follows a 3 color schema: green, yellow, red. While collectively all liquids offer health benefits, each color scheme offers more value than the other. The green color scheme is more beneficial in the area of immune support and anti-inflammation. The yellow color scheme is more so beneficial in the area of energy, and with guiding you towards pushing through the rest of your day. The red schema provides the combined benefits of both red & yellow schemas, and is consumed at night.

The vetox component is relatively easier to stick to than the flush component, although this component too is challenging. This component revolves around the preparation and consumption of meals without the external addition of salt; and in some cases with only a small application of oil. This component of the program offers the
protein, the fat soluble vitamins, and the complex carbs, in a ratio that assists with cutting back on your consumption of calories from fat & simple carbs.

And there is a 3rd component: “Support & Supervision”. 


Support/Supervision which is provided by professionals of O’Shane Bryant Fitness Limited is a crucial component, as it assists in the area of your safety and “stick-to-itiveness”. Generally, support (through direct messaging, improvisational tips & more) is given at 4 points of the day: 10:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., and 7:00 p.m., on all
days of the program.

Features of the Flush & Vetox 

  • Meal Plan (personable).
  • Grocery List (personable).
  • Professional Supervision & Support.
  • Workout (7 day & 3 Week versions only).


General Outcomes of the Flush & Vetox 

Since it’s introduction to the Jamaican populace in 2018, The flush & vetox 3 day version has been purchased & adopted by over 1000 females aged 25-60. The predominant outcomes of their participation are:

  1. Loss of 3-5lbs.
  2. Expressed “feeling lighter”.
  3. Reduction in blood pressure reading for hypertensive individuals.


Testimonial Video Highlight

The YouTube link below showcase testimonials of participants of the 3 Day version (Jamaica) in January, 2022.


Flush & Vetox Versions (with link)

About The Author

Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; Licensed KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.

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