Fittest A D Fittest Challenge, 2023| Food. Mileage. Plank.

Fittest A D Fittest Challenge, 2023 edition will take the shape of sectional competitions & prizes.

While this 2nd staging will be predominantly remote/virtual, like the 2022 edition, the format adjustments are implemented to have the participants engage in challenges that encompass:

  • Mileage through exercise/physical activity.
  • Nutrition, Dieting & Meal Planning.
  • Core Strength Endurance.

It is expected that with this adjustment the competitors & fans alike, will experience a much wider benefit in applicable/relatable engagement, which will serve towards helping them achieve their long term healthy lifestyle goals.


Competition Specifics

Mileage: December 4-10, 2023

Competitors will engage in competition daily with the aim of amassing trackable mileage. At 9pm EST, each day throughout the competition period, the competitor must submit a copy of his/her mileage stats to OB Fitness (WhatsApp/email). Tallying & communicating mileage and position standing will be communicated by OB Fitness via its social media channels daily.

  • Needed For participation: Sports Watch.
  • Registration Deadline: December 1, 2023.

Meal Prepping & Healthy Eating: December 12-14, 2023

Competitors will engage in a healthy eating & Meal Prep diet (Plant-Based & Fish) specific to that which is outlined by OB Fitness. The competitor will be required to submit images & other proof of his/her execution of the diet, specific to that shared by OB Fitness, by 9pm daily, throughout the competition period. Tallying & communicating of position standing, will be communicated by OB Fitness, via its social media channels daily.

Read More: Flush & Vetox Systems

  • Registration Deadline: December 8, 2023.

Forearm Plank: December 23, 2023

After a warm-up segment, competitors will engage in a 1 chance only forearm Plank competition. The last person planking (specific to rules), will be declared the winner.

  • Registration Deadline: December 21, 2023.

Payment of Prize Money to Winner(s)

Mileage: December 22, 2023.

Meal Prepping & Healthy Eating: December 22, 2023.

Forearm Plank: December 23, 2023.


To participate in this competition,  please WhatsApp 876-870-7812 or email


About The Author

Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; Licensed KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.


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