- Lunge-Explosive Knee Lift (with dumbbells).
- Standard Full Body Plank-Triceps Extension.
- Single Leg Romanian Deadlift-Single Leg Shoulder Press (with dumbbells).
Note Briefly: The content herein is for general educational purposes only. As always, you should get clearance from your medical doctor, before engaging in any exercise regimen. You accept 100% risk and responsibility for the outcome of your execution of the points/tips shared.

For assistance with structuring an exercise regimen for you: schedule a fitness assessment, and/or enroll in our personal training system. Email us at obfitness4u@gmail.com/support@joinobfitness.com
Successful Self Defense Is Dependent On Your Fitness Capacity
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Whether it is to run, fight, or think of a solution while under duress and/or physical strain, your ability to defend yourself is heavily linked to your physical fitness capacity.
The 3 pillars of fitness I make refence to are:
- Strength: The amount of force you can generate in your body for a particular action.
- Agility: How quick you can move your body and change directions.
- Endurance: Your capacity to sustain force generated and/or sustain the speed of your quickness.
With urbanization, commercialization and others, the bulk of the population within societies across the globe, are generally moving less, and not keeping these pillars of fitness conditioned. Hence, their capacity to defend themselves through fight, flight, or thinking on feet, is less relative to pre-industrial revolution. This therefore contributes to this segment of the population becoming ‘easier targets’ for those with wicked intentions, relative to that population segment who commits to maintaining the fitness pillars that contribute towards their relatively higher fitness capacity. For many they’ll say that their lack of time or money, are major factors that limit them in their working on their fitness pillars.
To you I say, “find a way to commit. If it’s even 10minutes in a day.”
With urbanization, commercialization and others, the bulk of the population within societies across the globe, are generally moving less, and not keeping these pillars of fitness conditioned. Hence, their capacity to defend themselves through fight, flight, or thinking on feet, is less relative to pre-industrial revolution.
The Exercises Shared Herein: Their Value
These exercises predominantly increase the strength pillar of fitness. The movements involved in the exercises have applications in real-world combat situations. These will not be explicitly explained herein for various reasons.
Videos of Exercises
How You Should Approach Executing The Exercises Herein
- Warm-up. This should be through low steady state activities, and/or low-moderate impact exercises/activities (walk, jog, touch toes-stretch).
- Target 3 Sets &10 Reps: 10 repetitions of exercise will work on your strength endurance predominantly.
- Full Rest Between Exercises/Sets: This is to allow you to execute the exercise to the targeted number of sets & reps. This is also for safety.
- Execute these exercises for 2-3 days weekly for a minimum of 4 weeks for adaptation to take place.
About The Author
Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; JDF Officer Cadet Recruit, 2012; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.