The accessories (links) shared herein are primarily specific for parents & similarly legal caregivers of kids/minors. You should view these accessories as tools/extensions with the primary function of further helping you execute one of your most primary functions as a parent/guardian: Protecting our Kids.
The products highlighted/recommended herein, as well as the pointers shared, should not be viewed as exclusive options/solutions. Rather, they are only a speck of the many tools you can use, relative for Jamaicans & visitors in Jamaica; United States of America and other countries of the Diaspora–based on civilian-specific activities of criminals (specific to patterns & trends…).
Note Briefly
It is your primary responsibility to assess through personal evaluation of your world & capacity, how purchasing these tools will/will not enhance your ability to protect yourself, and your kids:
- At Work.
- In Transit.
- At School.
- At Home.
No matter which security and/or weapon option you decide to purchase, your continuous training and development in terms of your decision-making under stress as an example, is critical. This alone greatly elevates your survivability and/or security capacity, in life-threatening situations. Enrolling in self-defense training programs (long term) is a way to go.
Detection & Deterrence Accessories
These accessories primary roles in the context of enhancing your self defense capacity, is through detection & deterrence. In the event of a crime/criminal act committed, these accessories can assist you and law enforcement identify the criminals. As deterrents, these accessories can “turn off” criminals from selecting you, and/or your property, as their next target.
Smart Surveillance Camera (Home)
With WIFI, Night Vision & Cloud Storage features of recorded events available, this is a must-have.
Dash Cam & Rear Cam (Vehicle)
The resolution of motor vehicle accidents & claims cases, are boosted because of these, among other elements.
Tracking Device (Vehicle-Cars & Trucks)
With vehicular theft in Jamaica considered as a major criminal challenge based on its scale (number of thefts, and financial reward value to criminals), having your personal tracking device should act as independent layer of protection in the context of the recovery of your vehicle, and potentially the capture of the criminals.
Denial Accessories
These accessories primarily function to deny criminals & attackers relatively easy access to you, your kids and/or your property.
Home Alarm System
Similar to surveillance cameras, this system can alert you to movement/fidgeting at your doors and windows as examples. Unlike outdoor surveillance cameras however, your home alarm system can be unbeknownst to a potential and/or actual home invader.
Grills are a common barrier/security barrier to homes in Jamaica for example. Padlocks are generally combined with grills. Selecting heavy duty, cut resistant varieties are recommended
Having a safe (at home, at work) with fireproof capabilities for your cash, jewelry, and firearm is recommended.
Vehicle (Car) Kill Switch
Disconnect battery. Shuts off vehicle.
Handbag & Purse Antitheft
The design of these bags can significantly reduce the likelihood of pickpockets accessing your purse, bank cards, cash, identification (scanning), while on your person. These bags can also come in handing when travelling.
Personal Defense Accessories (Non-Firearm)
These accessories (non-exhaustive), function to help position you at an advantage for successful neutralization of attacker(s), and/or escape when engaged. Individually, they have primarily different functions and classifications (non-lethal or lethal).
Pepper Spray
Primary Classification: non-lethal. Semi-distance weapon.
Purchase Recommendation: select an option that you can carry concealed on your person, and can deploy relatively quickly. Note that smaller options tend to have less stopping power relative to larger ones.
Knife-Fixed Blade
Primary Classification: lethal. Close-range weapon. Selecting fixed blade knives relative to switch blades/folded gives you a tactical advantage in terms of speed of deployment to say the least. The shape of the knife (blade to butt) gives an indication of it’s primary angle of potency, along with other tactical insights.
Purchase Recommendation: select an option that you can conceal relatively easily (person and/or bag) whilst commuting. This is for the tactical advantage of surprise to say the least.
Tactical Flashlight
Primary Classification: non-lethal. Close-range to semi-close range weapon. These flashlights can be used: for distraction; and as an impact (striking) weapon.
Purchase Recommendation: select an option you can conceal & deploy relatively easily and is/are impact-resistant.
Tactical Pen
Primary Classification: n0n-lethal to lethal. Close-range weapon. These pens can be used as a striking weapon.
Purchase Recommendation: select an option that can break glass. This can come in handy if you are trapped in a vehicle.
About The Author
Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; Licensed KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; CSA Certified Executive Protection; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.