Let’s Discuss Podcast| Episode 2 | Protein Supplementation. Intermittent Fasting. Weight Change

Mrs Stacey- Ann Ricketts- Anderson
is a Registered Dietitian (Jamaica) and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Dietetics and Nutrition from the University of Technology. She has pursued further training with the Jamaica Island Nutrition Network in Wellness and lifestyle Nutrition and is a Wellness Lifestyle Nutrition Advisor. She is currently employed at the University Hospital of the West Indies, Dietetics Department, for over 13 years, whereby she currently functions as the Senior Assistant Dietitian (Supervisor). She loves the patients she serves and enjoys assisting them in making lifestyle changes. 


Part 1: Protein Physiology. Seniors. And Exercise.

Duration-10 minutes

  • What are proteins?
  • What are the role of proteins in our body?
  • Protein requirements differ for everyone. Assess your needs on an individual level.
  • Protein considerations for Seniors.
  • Protein consumption & exercise needs for seniors.

Other Relevant Content for Seniors

Activities of Daily Living: Aging. Dysfunction. Population Challenges. Exercise. (Premium Blog Article: US$5).

Part 2- Protein. Caribbean Diet.

Duration: 11-12 minutes

  • Examples of proteins in our diet (solid & liquid).
  • What is your daily protein requirement?
  • How many grams protein in typical Caribbean Diet?

 Co-Authored Content By Stacey-Ann Ricketts-Anderson

Jamaican Christmas Food

Softcopy Book. Cost: US$30. Click Image to Purchase.

Jamaica Bun & Cheese Dietary Guidelines

Jamaica Bun & Cheese Dietary Guidelines. Premium Blog Article. Get 1 Week Access for US$5.

Part 3- Intermittent Fasting. Keto. Sustainable Diet.

Duration: 10-12 minutes

  • Protein Supplementation: Good for persons who don’t eat much throughout a day.
  • Fasting.
  • Is intermittent fasting ideal for you to satisfy your daily protein & weight loss needs?
  • Is the intermittent fasting diet sustainable?
  • Intermittent fasting: ketosis & Ketoacidosis.
  • Ideal diet for sustainable weight change.

Need Dietary Support? Book your consultation & 3 days individualized support for US$85. Click Here

Part 4: Protein Consumption. Weight Change. Meal Planning. Busy Professionals.

Duration- 9-11 minutes

  • Protein consumption & fat weight loss.
  • Protein consumption resistance training & weight gain.
  • Calories & weight change.
  • Meal consumption tips for busy professionals.
  • Meal planning tips for busy professionals.

In Case You Missed It: Listen To Episode 1

Child Safety in Jamaica

About The Author/Host

Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; Licensed KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.

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