How Far-Reaching Is The Nationwide News Network Attack For All Businesses, Professionals & Citizens In Jamaica?

The statement shooting of the Nationwide News Network grounds (physical location), in the afternoon of September 8, 2023 has brought out public condemnation by the Government of Jamaica, Opposition, Press Association of Jamaica (PAJ), among other organizations & personnel alike. And understandably so. As expressed by the President of the Press Association of Jamaica, in The Jamaica Gleaner|September 8, 2023:

“This vile act constitutes an unprecedented assault on a news organisation and represents a grave attack on the fundamental principles of press freedom that all Jamaicans hold dear…We firmly believe that an independent and fearless press is the cornerstone of any democratic society. An attack on one news organisation is an attack on the collective freedom of the press, and it is an affront to the values of democracy and transparency.”

Background on the Incident

According to The Jamaica Observer| September 9, 2023:

“On air, Hughes and Deputy Executive Editor George Davis told listeners that the perpetrator, who was wearing a yellow helmet, pulled up at the gate and sat on the motorcycle for some time before pulling a gun and opening fire.

Two vehicles in the parking lot, one of them belonging to a staff member, were hit by bullets…

“Hughes, was not at the station when a gunman on a motorcycle fired shots from the gate into the parking lot about 4:30 pm.”

How Should This Attack, Like All Attacks, Be Taken By All Businesses, Professionals & Every Citizen (public & private) Alike?

With the utmost seriousness and internal answering of the call to live fully aware of the environment in which we live; and in a mental, physical and digital state of  acknowledgment that none of us is exempt from an attack-no matter:

  • Your Professional Title.
  • The Organization(s) You Work With/For.
  • Your Financial Status.
  • Your Geographic Location (personal residence, place of work…)
  • Your Security Detail or Resources Available.
  • Your Tactical/Combat Training, Weapons Access, and/or Self-Defense Tools at your Disposal.

To be blunt, the expressed public reactions of the organizations/institutions mentioned earlier (excluding the PAJ), are superficial to say the least.

What about the recent Beryllium Attack in Mandeville, whereby Civilians were injured during the gunfire exchange-at least 2 requiring surgery?

What publicly accountable measures are being put in place (criminals confirmed capture; cash courier-sensitive operations & tactically-sensitive), towards ensuring the public that an attack of this nature doesn’t happen again?

What about the recent killing of the business woman in Westmoreland, Jamaica who saw her brutal attack coming; expressing to another individual via voicenote?

What applicable business community security measures, and/or recommendations can be shared (through community meetings between police, members of parliament, councillors and residents) with the: Corner Shops, Corner Bars, Wholesale & Retail establishments, and other Community Based Organizations proprieters & workers?

And what about the recent witnessing by a seven year old of his fathers’ killing in Clarendon, Jamaica?

How are we going to protect & nurture this boy throughout his development-years, to steer him away from living in the dark side, swallowed in vengeance?

I’m not one who adhere to the talk. I adhere to the consistent actions of those in positions of leadership. The modus operandi. This among others are factors that have contributed to me living the way I do:

  • Always thinking worst-case scenario.
  • Trusting none who don’t abide by the code, which include: Honor, Respect, Integrity…
  • Training & Aligning with others who live similarly in accordance to these ethos; ultimately living and serving as a Community of Protectors.

Do your best to keep safe.


About The Author

Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; Licensed KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.

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