How To “Not” Skip Breakfast: Healthy Eating Tips

  1. Re-think “Eating” as the Consumption of Solid Food Only.
  2. Have Fruits Present At Home
  3. Set Up a Reminder System.
  4. Establish A Breakfast Eating Culture With Your Family


The tips herein are applicable for those with very little time to plan & prepare their breakfast in the mornings. This category of people include, but isn’t limited to:


Persons in Management Positions.

Students (High school-Tertiary).


The information shared should be used for general educational purpose only, and doesn’t supersede the advice given to you by your personal healthcare professional. 

Re-think “Eating” as The Consumption of Solid Food Only.

Food to be eaten does not have to been in solid form. Food can also be consumed in semi-liquid & fully liquid form. The examples herein are relatable to Jamaicans & wider Caribbean Nationals:

Semi-liquid food examples: Porridge (cornmeal, oats, banana, peanut, hominy); Non-Fruit Smoothie (blended oats & peanut); Yogurt & Fruit; Cereal (cornflakes & milk-dairy/non-dairy)

Fully-liquid food examples: commercial protein shake (homemade, store purchased); Milk (plant-based, dairy); Fruit Smoothie-with milk or without (banana, papaya, berry).

Have Fruits Present At Home

Fruits can be eaten as is; and requires very little time to be prepared for the go. As highlighted in the examples in the sub-section above, fruits make for great additions to smoothies & yogurt. Additionally, they can be eaten solo-frozen or fresh. A major deterrent for persons to purchase fruits, is their short shelf life & high relative cost; as well as their seasonality. As a solution, consider freezing your favorite fruit(s) when their in season, so that out of season, you can still have them in the options shared in the above sub-section.

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Set Up a Reminder System

This is a not so popular tip. However, this tip could be the most important of all tips shared herein.  Using your most-used electronic device, schedule in your calendar the reminder “Eat Breakfast”. You’re going to set the reminder at the time you generally wake. The minimum number of days you’re going to set this up for is 5. These days will be the weekdays (which should be the days you have the least time in the mornings to prepare breakfast as you would, or like, relative to your non-working days. You won’t have this system set for 2 days weekly.

What do you think are applicable reasons?

Related: Eat Healthier-4 Dietary Tips Fi D Professional


Establish A Breakfast Eating Culture With Your Family

A household with a family who eat breakfast provides you with many benefits. These include:

  • Stronger bonding between the family members.
  • Helping you & them be held accountable towards eating breakfast. This accountability can help you and them commit to this practice for the long term.
  • Help your entire family attain and sustain healthier bio-reading (blood sugar, sodium, triglycerides, glucose, etc.,) especially if the breakfast is home-prepared, instead of it being purchased on the road (fast-food restaurants), or in packaged snack form (cheese trix/chips, biscuits/pastries, sodas/sugary beverages).

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About The Author

Oshane Bryant Bio

Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.

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