Fittest A D Fittest Challenge Resumes!


The OB Fitness, “Fittest A D Fittest Challenge” is a friendly competition formulated to cultivate friendly rivalry, and to promote community within the fitness fraternity (OB Fitness & beyond). The competition consists of a series of exercises mainly testing core strength, muscular endurance and mental resilience. This competition started on the lawns of the UWI, Mona campus (before The Students Union), back in 2017 (early days of OB Fitness). Today, almost a full year post covid-19 restrictions (in Jamaica); the competition resumes with competitors who reside in Jamaica & USA. 



Competition Structure


For the 2022 edition, the competitors will engage in fitness challenges in order to determine who will be crowned “OB-Fittest A D Fittest”. A grand prize of J$40,000 will also be awarded to the winner, towards the purchase of OB Fitness products & services, on


Phases of Competition

There are 3 main Rounds:

  • Qualifying.
  • Semi-Final.
  • Final.


Qualifying Round

Date: November 26, 2022; 6am-7:30am (JM time).

Exercises: Kneel Push Ups, Plank, Wall Run, Isometric Squat, Bent Over Row.

Platform for Competition: Zoom.


Semi-Final Round

Date: December 3, 2022; 6am-7:30am (JM time).

Exercises: Push Ups, Plank, Wall Run, Isometric Squat, Bent Over Row (increased reps & weight-applicable exercises)

Platform for Competition: Zoom.

Final Round (part 1)

Date: December 17, 2022; 6am-7:30am (JM time).

Exercises: Push Ups, Plank, Wall Run, Front Isometric Squat, Single Arm Clean & Press.

Platform for Competition: Zoom.


Final Round (part 2)

December 17, 2022; 6am-7:30am (JM time).

Exercises: Burpee & Plank (As Many Reps As Possible-AMRAP/As Long As Possible-ALNAP)

Platform for Competition: Zoom.


Qualification Round- Standards

Exercise # of Reps Duration
Kneeling Push-ups 15 90 seconds
Isometric Squats  N/A 45 seconds (holding)
Plank  N/A 1 minute
Wall Run (butt kick version) N/A 2 ½ minutes
Bent Over Row (30% of bodyweight) 20 90 seconds

Qualification- Scoring to advance to semi-finals (Brief)

Each participant will be required to complete a minimum of three (3) out of five (5) of the required challenges to advance to the semi-final stage. Points will not be allocated at this stage.

Points System (Brief)

Maximum number of reps/duration-10 points.

Halve target reps/target duration-5 points.

No reps-0 points.


Prizes & Tokens



Non-Finalist Finalist Top 3

 Digital Certificate


Printed Certificates 

OB Fitness Apparel Piece 

(Places 1-3)


OB Fitness Apparel Piece


1st place gets J40,000 gift certificate 


About The Author

Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; Licensed KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.

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