OB Fitness Retreat Experience 2023 Highlights| Portland, Jamaica| Sea Cliff Resorts & Spa| Boston Jerk| Reach Falls

Reach Falls, Portland

Stacy & Husband strike a pose at Reach Falls, Portland.


Sea Cliff Resorts & Spa

Balcony View of Sea-Cliff Resorts & Spa. And Portland, Jamaica


OB Fitness. Joinobfitness.com

Mrs Gayle Representing In Her Standard OB Fitness Workout T-Shirt & Cap


Sea-Cliff Resorts & Spa

Group Photo, After Aquaerobics.


Reach Falls. Portland, Jamaica.

Reach Falls. Portland, Jamaica.


Boston, Portland. Jamaica.

Uno Share D Joke Nuh Delone & Sandra.


Boston, Jerk.

Boston, Jerk!


Sugar Cane Juice.

Pop D Cork. Sugar Cane Juice with Turmeric & Lime. At Boston, Portland.



Quench D Thirst.


Sea-Cliff Resorts & Spa.

Dusk, Sea View & Sea-Cliff Suites.


Inside Sea-Cliff Suites.


Chicken, Alfredo Pasta.

Tasty Chicken Alfredo Pasta. At Sea-Cliff Resorts & Spa.


Night Sky View at Sea Cliff Resorts & Spa.

Night Sky View. At Sea-Cliff Resorts.

Thankyou Everyone

The hospitality provided by Sea Cliff Resorts & Spa during our stay was top class. Thankyou.

To our travel agent-Fashionable Travel Limited (876-835-3887) who provided us with the best deal for this retreat, and helped make this 2nd staging of our Fitness Retreat Experience, possible. Thankyou.

To all of our members who turned up, traveling from multiple parishes in Jamaica; and booking fights from overseas; and to those who weren’t able to make it because of work & other obligations. Thankyou.

To our team. Thankyou.

And lastly, but most certainly not least: to the almighty for keeping us safe, and naking this event experience what it is, thankyou.

2024 Staging: 3 Days. 3 Nights. Western Jamaica.


About The Author

Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; Licensed KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.

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