Lose Your Fitness Gains | Understanding Reversibility Exercise Principle

Reversibility an Unforgiving Truth of Exercise Adaptation

If you have been exercising for at least 1 month; experienced pain (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness); and witnessed some positive change between your day 1 & day 30 biostats & anthropometrics (body measurements…); then you have experienced blissful realities of exercise.

If it were the case you had to pause or stop altogether your enrollment in your exercise regimen-for days to months even, then you will experience the reality of lossed fitness gains. This is reversibility.

Reversibility: One of the Exercise Training Principles

The principle of reversibility for me is what makes exercise & exercising a lifestyle. As per The American Council of Exercise

“The principle of reversibility pertains to the losses in function experienced after the cessation of a training program.”

This is a truth that cannot be overwritten with cosmetics (surgery…), A.I, drug therapy or otherwise. This principle is the Hallmark of the saying: “Use it or Lose it”.

To Accept Reversibility Exercise Principle is to Appreciate We Are Biological Beings

Life is the medium whereby as living beings, we experience growth through adaptation-microscopical & macroscopical scales. The course of life subject us to hardships (at times), that through the “right volume of overload” over time, we adapt, towards living a stage/phase that brings us a greater sense of accomplishment/satisfaction; and are no longer challenged to experience the stage we are at now.

If we are to not continue to experience the challenges life the medium brings with it, then overtime, we will lose some of (if not all) the attributes that uplifted us to our current stage; and eventually experience stagnation & regression/reversibility. You can also apply the truth of aging as reversibility also. Whereby, after we’ve reached our peak biological years, we then lose our gains of our younger years, such as muscle mass, bone mass & so on.

Stop/ Delay Reversibility of Your Fitness Gains Through Progressively Continuos Overload

Generally, you can begin to experience the effects of reversibility in your fitness gains, 72 hours (3 days) post your workout. So, if you’re to not subject your body and physiologic systems engaged in exercise, at the specific intensity, and general overload it has been exposed to 3 days prior, then your body will begin the process of reversibility/detraining.

Yes, you should take breaks/rest days/vacation(s). However, you should do so with the exercise principle of reversibility in mind. Meaning, your rest days shouldn’t be more than 2 consecutive. And your vacation should not be days-weeks, of no exercise whatsoever.

With this acknowledgement & practice, your fitness gains can be attained & maintained, over the long term.


About The Author

Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; Licensed KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.

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