Homemade Chocolate Chip-Mixed Nuts-Oatmeal Cookies Recipe | Reduced Fat. Reduced Sugar. Reduced Salt


Indulge your taste buds in our home-made oatmeal cookies recipe. As you go through this recipe, not only will you receive the ingredients & methodology that’ll help you make these scrumptious cookies for yourself & your family; you will also receive applicable fitness-nutrition tips & considerations revolving around incorporating your consumption of these cookies, in support of your healthy lifestyle goals. Feel free to amend the ingredients to your personal palate & nutritional needs.


Why Homemade Oatmeal Cookies?

Because I find that the oatmeal cookies on the market are:

  • Too light (oats concentration within cookie).
  • Too salty.
  • Too sweet.
  • Low in protein (relatively).
  • Low in fiber.

I also do not like that I can’t have access to a variation in oatmeal cookies on the market, such as:

  1. Added Chocolate.
  2. Added Nuts.
  3. Added Coconut.

Although I’m a health-conscious eater, I do like my food to have good taste; and my treat(s) to have chocolate and/or other condiments that’ll help to keep boredom at bay.


Reduced Fat, Sugar & Salt But Not Reduced Taste

Preparation for the making of our homemade cookies involved observing recipes of others. Without naming them, I found the ingredients below as a standard towards the making of 24 cookies:

1 tsp salt.

1 tsp baking soda.

2 cups sugar.

2 cups unsalted butter.

This in my opinion makes these cookies too salty, fatty & sweet.



With chronic non-communicable diseases (such as Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome) still a global epidemic, how much sugar, salt & fat we consume is very important towards management of this global epidemic. Read: Obesity Trends.


2tsp Salt (Table & Baking Soda)

With me just expounding on the salt: technically, the cookies received 2tsp of sodium (salt). 1 tsp of sodium, is in the form of table salt. And 1 tsp of sodium is in the form of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate).



Below is a listing of all the ingredients used in our homemade oatmeal cookies:

chocolate chip-mixed nuts-oatmeal cookies

Ingredients Display

.5 cup brown sugar instead of 2.
.5 cup butter instead of 1.
1 tsp cinnamon.
1 tsp nutmeg.
1 tsp baking soda.
.5 cup mixed unsalted nuts.
2 cups all purpose flour.
1.5 cups old fashioned oats.
.5 cup butter.
2 tbsp. chocolate chips.
2 eggs.
Cooking oil.

Kitchen Utensils Used


Aluminum Basin.

Baking Tins.





Macro-Nutrients Considerations of Ingredients

Butter is a predominant source of fat.

All Purpose Flour is a predominant source of carbohydrates.

Unsalted Mixed Nuts is a predominant source of fat & protein.

Eggs (with yolk) are a predominant source of protein & fat.

Chocolate Chips is a predominant source of carbohydrates & fat.

Brown Sugar is a predominant source of carbohydrates.

Cooking Oil is a predominant source of fat.

Old Fashioned Oats is a predominant source of carbohydrates & fiber.

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Add dry ingredients to mixing bowl.

Combine dry ingredients with fork until even.


Brown sugar & Butter

Add brown sugar to butter.

Mix the sugar & butter until smooth.

Eggs, sugar & butter mix

Add eggs to sugar & butter mix. Combine evenly.

Add dry ingredients to sugar-butter-eggs mix.

Add vanilla to mix & combine.

Mixed nuts in blender

Prepare mixed nuts for blending.


Crushed mixed nuts in blender

Crushed mixed nuts.

Add crushed mixed nuts to mixture



Combine crushed mixed nuts & mixture until even.

Oatmeal Mixture

Add Old Fashioned Oats to mixture

Oatmeal cookie mixture

Place oatmeal cookie mixture fridge in fridge to set for a minimum of 1 hour.

Prepare baking tins for baking by brushing cooking oil on pan, and lightly powdering the flour. This step is to minimize sticking & burning of cookies.




Place oatmeal cookie dough in baking tin. Use moistened fork to flatten dough.

Flattened oatmeal cookie dough in baking tin



Add Chocolate chips to dough then place in oven (190 deg. C) for baking. Baking time: 25-30 minutes.



Chocolate Chip-Mixed Nuts-Oatmeal Cookies

Finished Chocolate Chip-Mixed Nuts-Oatmeal Cookies


Preparation Time

Ingredients Preparation & Mixing: 15-20 minutes.

Setting of dough (in fridge): 1 hour

Baking: 25-30min (top & middle oven rack).


Total Preparation Time: 1hr 40 minutes -1hr 50 minutes.


Nutrition Facts (approximate) & Serving Size

Total Calories (24 cookies): 3517.

Total Fat Calories (approximate): 1758.5

Total Carbohydrate Calories (approximate): 1179

Total Protein Calories (approximate): 580

Total Fiber (approximate): 18g

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Fitness-Nutrition Application

These cookies are excellent sources of energy (in the form of carbohydrates & fats predominantly). On this note, this cookies (adhering to meal portioning principle) can be consumed as both pre & post workout snacks. Similarly during the peak of a stressful day at work, these cookies can give you energy boost you need-without crash- towards helping you satisfy your tasks & obligations.

Eat these cookies sparingly.



About The Author

Oshane Bryant

Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; Licensed KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; CSA Certified Executive Protection; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.

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