Illegal Logging of Trees in Cockpit Country | Tensions Between Accompong Maroons, Their Leader: Chief Currie & Government of Jamaica Agencies | Full Accountability & Public Transparency Needed

Google Satellite Terrain Image: Quickstep, Jamaica

Quickstep, Jamaica Boundary (Forest)- Google Satellite Terrain Image





Jamaica’s media landscape (social & traditional) for the period of July 27, 2024-July 30, 2024 has been dominated with the news of:

1. The illegal logging of trees located within the protected area of Jamaica’s cockpit country.

2. Forestry Department workers & Jamaica Constabulary Force members, being barricade within the confines of the illegal Logging area.

3. Accompong Maroon Chief, Currie, being named as a person of interest supposedly in the proceedings surrounding the situation of illegal logging of trees & barricade of the Government of Jamaica enforcement agents.

4. The Quickstep & surrounding environs being subjected to a 24hr-48hr curfew in order for the Jamaica Constabulary Force to supposedly carry out their investigations on the matter, as well as to remove the remains of illegal timber.

5. Accompong Maroons Chief, Richard Currie, no longer being named as a person of interest.

Who Is Responsible For The Illegal Logging & Who Should Be Held Accountable?

At the time of this blog article writing, it remains a mystery as to who is behind the this illicit act. This is after taking my time to carefully listen to public statements made by all parties (and their agents) mentioned herein.

The closest we’ve come (as a public) to receiving concrete confirmation, is from Chief Currie, who has said in one of his Instagram posts, that the illegal logging was being carried out by members of the Forestry Department, as well as a few Maroons. This however was being carried out without Chief Currie’s knowledge, supposed approval, and without the Accompong Maroons Stamp (a SOP feature).

As per The Jamaica Observer, dated- July 28, 2024- “The Forestry Department has sought to clarify what it has dubbed a “misleading and false narrative” surrounding an incident in which its workers were reportedly impeded by residents while attempting to seize illegally harvested lumber near Quick Step in Trelawny.

Chief Executive Officer at the Conservator of Forest, Ainsley Henry, stated on Sunday that the department disrupted the illegal logging operation in the Cockpit Country Protected Area on Friday.

The Forestry Department reported that around 7 am, a truck loaded with lumber was seen leaving the area before the team’s arrival. The team began retrieving the lumber but was reportedly prevented from carrying out their duties when seven staff members were barricaded in by members of the community.”

The Jamaica Constabulary Force in their statement shared on their Facebook Page “On Friday, July 26, 2024, agents from the Forestry Department discovered and seized piles of illegally harvested mahogany lumber approximately 8 miles from Quick Step. Unfortunately, their efforts were obstructed by roadblocks and aggressive actions from unidentified individuals,

culminating in the abduction and obstruction of these state agents. This blatant disregard for the law and the safety of public servants is intolerable.

It is imperative to understand that these actions are criminal offenses against the State.”

All parties through their statements (Accompong Maroons Chief, Forestry Department, Jamaica Constabulary Force) agree on the logging of trees in the protected area, as that of an illicit nature. But none can explicitly say who is or are the ones responsible at the top. The logging of 500 pieces of trees up to 1000ft in length (according to statement made by Chief Currie), followed by their transportation  eventual destination & exchange (money or other assets), cannot be carried out without one, or all parties mentioned herein being made aware. This is bigger than a small business man. This requires access to sophisticated logistical resources.

For The Sake of Jamaica’s Cockpit Country & Future of It’s Entire Forest Reserve, The Illicit Act of Tree Logging Must End & Those Responsible Must Be Heavily Sanctioned

The unfolding of events between the Accompong Maroons and the Government of Jamaica Agencies (Forestry Department & Jamaica Constabulary Force), has fixated the bulk of the Jamaican public on them only. The likely outcome is that of the Accompong Maroons leader, being potentially viewed as the enemy/culprit.

Using inferential reasoning:  there is, or are, bigger players behind the scenes that aren’t identifiable based on the contents shared by the parties herein, within the public domain.

Who is left hurting is Jamaica’s environment, and the ecosystems that depend on it for their sustainable survival & thriving in this increasingly inhospitable global world.

For each tree cut, we lose:

  • -A source of oxygen.
  • An absorber of carbon dioxide.
  • Shelter of the scorching sun.
  • Water recharge of our fresh water
  • Landslide Incidence Reducer
  • Food for our Food.

For every tree cut, a minimum of two must be planted. And strict SOPs, and/or legislation established and enforced (if not yet in place), exclusive of the intraborder geopolitical challenges of Jamaica; for adherence, accountability, and hefty sanctions to follow-where applicable.


About The Author


Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; Licensed KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.

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