Read Our Related Blog Post: The Martial Arts: Still Relevant Today Towards Reducing Crime Within Our Global Society
View Our KUKIBO Uniform Page : KUKIBO Uniform (white sash to blue sash)
KUKIBO is an international fitness & self-defense system designed to empower & enlighten the participant in spirit, mind & body, at the highest level. As a martial art, KUKIBO is the acronym for Kung Fu Kickboxing. It is created by Grandmaster Bryan Campbell, in Jamaica W.I.
As a fusion martial art, KUKIBO derives from Grandmaster Campbell diverse martial arts background of Karate & Kung Fu (to name a few), where he attained the rank of Sensei (Master/Shifu) in both art forms.

Grandmaster entering awards ceremony, as KUKIBO students stand at attention.
Over the years, KUKIBO has been a foundation in molding youth of various societal backgrounds (in Jamaica & other countries), into upstanding citizens, now in their stage of adulthood. Some of notable mention are: Oshane Bryant (O’Shane Bryant Fitness Limited, Founder), Grace Chambers, Karen Harriot, Dr. Taraleen Malcolm, Kurt Dunn, Shalto Stanley, Jason Williams, and Oliver Pryce.
Re: Non-Refund/Class Transfer
We have a strict no refund and non-transfer of missed classes policy. Only in ‘special circumstances’ will your missed classes be considered for transfer. For further specification, please speak with your direct instructor, or send us a direct message through this website.
Liability Waiver Notice
Please read the liability waiver release below. please note that by clicking “add to cart” followed by “checkout”, you agree to release KUKIBO Martial Arts & Fitness Association, O’Shane Bryant Fitness Limited, their representatives, instructors, students, and partners from all liability.
I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to my participation in any exercise or any form of physical activity, including martial arts & self-defense physical training, and I REPRESENT AND WARRANT that I am sufficiently medically fit and in good health to participate in any training session organized independently, or jointly by KUKIBO Martial Arts & Fitness Association, and O’Shane Bryant Fitness Limited (Hereinafter Called The “School”) and any activity associated with this School (Referred to Hereinafter as the “Event”) and that I have no medical condition that would prevent my safe enrollment in this School. In consideration of being permitted to participate in the School, I AGREE to assume full responsibility for any risk, injuries, damage, whether known or unknown, and to hold harmless, release, defend and indemnify the School, the owner(s) thereof, the School employees, students, agents and associates from any liability, claims, demands, damages, interest, expenses, actions and causes of actions whatsoever arising from or related to any property damage or loss, personal injury, death or any other loss or damage whatsoever caused by or howsoever sustained or arising during, from or in relation to my participation in the School & associated Event(s). I AGREE that the School may use my name and likeness, including any photographs, videos in which my image may appear to endorse or promote martial arts, self-defense, exercise, empowerment and physical fitness business activities conducted, sponsored or organized by the organizers. I AGREE that in respect of my child, a minor (said child being between 5 -17 years of age), who is accompanying me and participating in the School, and on whose behalf I warrant that I am legally authorized to consent, and who will be a student under the personal care and supervision of School instructors, for the duration of their participation in the School & associated Event(s), I CONSENT to the named minor participation in the School & associated Event on the above terms and conditions. Having full capacity to contract and having read and fully understood the terms of this release and waiver of liability, I AGREE to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, and otherwise implied by Law.
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