3 Day Flush & Vetox–Revised Version (with supervision)


Adjustable Meal Plan. Adjustable Grocery List. Dietary Culture Screen. Supervision.


The Flush & Vetox program aims towards assisting members increase their consumption of
fibrous-rich foods, and foods as close as possible to their natural state. It is a program with the
aim of instilling dietary behaviors in members that can lead to the inclusion of these foods in
their diet on a more consistent basis, relative to their starting point. This is also a program that is
geared towards using the foods that are in season; specific to the allergic profile of members &
budget; meal consumption habits & more.


The Flush & Vetox program aims at assisting members increase their consumption of
fibrous-rich foods, and foods as close as possible to their natural state. It is a program with the
aim of instilling dietary behaviors in members that can lead to the inclusion of these foods in
their diet on a more consistent basis, relative to their starting point. This is also a program that is
geared towards using the foods that are in season; specific to the allergic profile of members &
budget; meal consumption habits & more.

This 3 day version has a 1 day liquid component & 2 days solid component. The liquid
component is the flush. The flush follows a 3 color schema: green, yellow, red. While
collectively all liquids offer health benefits, each color scheme offers more value than the other.

The green color scheme is moreso beneficial in the area of immune support and anti-
inflammation. The yellow color scheme is more so beneficial in the area of energy, and with

guiding you towards pushing through the rest of your day. The red schema provides the
combined benefits of both red & yellow schemas, and is consumed at night.


The vetox is the solid component. This component of the program is relatively easier to stick to
than the flush component, although this component too is challenging. This component revolves
around the preparation and consumption of meals without the external addition of salt; and in
some cases with only a small application of oil. This component of the program offers the
protein, the fat soluble vitamins, and the complex carbs, in a ratio that assists with cutting back
on your consumption of calories from fat & simple carbs.


With the 1st day being a low calorie, liquid-meal dominant day, this is the day that individuals
can experience hunger, irritability, and in cases of too long a time gap between meals, headaches.
This is why the support & supervision is crucial. Combined, all of these components are what
make the Flush & Vetox Dietary program of O’Shane Bryant Fitness Limited, an individualized,
& effective one

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