Fitness Program | Martial Arts. Military. Combat-Sports. Nutrition | KUKIBO

Fitness is a pillar of ones personal security capacity. Likewise, a fit force (military, paramilitary; state & private) is a highly capable one in the execution of its mission(s) & duties.

Note Briefly

The content herein is a highlight brief of the fitness conditioning program developed by & specific for Oshane Bryant.
As is standard, it is your responsibility to exercise common sense in your fitness conditioning. This include inter alia: Physician Clearance, Personal Fitness Assessment, and program design specific to your daily life.
Self Defense Class-OB Fitness

Book Your Fitness Programming Consultation. Click Here

Should you choose to utilize any elements of the program you see herein, you accept 100% risk & liability in whichever way whatsoever.

Direct Application of the Fitness Program Herein

Fight/Combat Fitness (conditioning) transferrable to:

  • Professional Soldiers & Military Officers (land); infantry & specialists.
  • Law Enforcement: Non-Specislit & Specialist Units.
  • Professional Full Contact/Combat Athletes.
  • Recreational Combat Athletes.
  • Self-Defense Interested Persons.

Primary Aim of Fitness Program Herein-KUKIBO Martial Arts Grading: Level 6

Oshane Bryant-KUKIBO Martial Arts

Oshane Bryant-KUKIBO Martial Arts Student, Level 5.

Conditioning & Preparation
(Spiritual, Mental & Physical) towards KUKIBO Martial Arts School, Level 6 Grading.
What is KUKIBO Level 6 ?  No Sash Rank.
KUKIBO Level 6 Grading Duration:
1+ Weeks.
Grading Month (me): November 2024.

Combat-Fitness Conditioning Program


Duration:3-7 weeks.
Program Focus: Physical Depletion; Physical Pain Threshold Elevation; Mental Weakness (doubt…) riddance; Spiritual Strengthening.

5k run
100 Sit Ups-Stand Attempt
50 Deadlifts (100lb external)
60 Deep Bodyweight Squat Jump (Attempt)
Duration 2hrs
100 push ups attempt
50 Pull Ups Attempt
Duration: 30min
6x300m Sprints
Standing Resistance Band Trunk Rotation (5×20 per side)
Power Clean Max Out (115lb)
Horizontal Double Leg Tuck Jump (5x30m)
Single Leg Ankle Hop (5x30m) each leg.
Duration: 2hrs
Empty Hand Katas, Weapon Katas & Self-Defense
Duration: 30minutes
100 Push Ups Attempt
50 Pull Ups Attempt
60 Jump Squats Attempt
50 Deadlifts (100lb+ external)
100 Sit Ups-Stand Attempt
Forms (Empty Hand & Weapons–Strikes, Blocks, Stances, Breathing, Speed, Power & Control).
Duration: 2 hrs
Saturdays: Meeting with Sensei/Rest (relative).
Sundays: Rest

Active Calories Expenditure (estimated) & Active Weight Change


Calorie Estimated Expenditure, Weight Change, & Sports Nutrition Application

Estimated Active Calorie Expenditure (1hr): 600
Weekly estimated Active Calorie Expenditure: 4200
Estimated Active Calorie Expenditure (7 weeks): 29,400
Approximated Active Weight (lbs) burned in calories (7 weeks): 8.4

Sports Nutrition Application

Carbohydrates & protein will be primary energy substrates & metabolic (breakdown sources) via the workouts. During rest with elevated basal metabolic rates, fat will be broken down to aid with glycogen repair (intramuscular, liver…).
On this basis: high carbs (relative); fast acting carb & high protein with essential amino acids are required throughout this program.
Self Defense Class-OB Fitness

Book Your Dietary Lifestyle Consultation. Click Here Click Here 

5 meals daily (3 main & 2 Minor) will be consumed to meet macro & micronutrient need.
Sleep is strict. Bed time no later than 11pm. Wake: 4am (Mon-Fri).
Nap during days (weekdays).
Learn More About KUKIBO Martial Arts. Click Here

About The Author

Oshane Bryant

Oshane Bryant: BSc Geology, Geography Minor; ACE CPT since 2012; Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Accelerator Graduate-2018 cohort; Licensed KUKIBO Martial Arts & Self Defense, Senior Instructor; CSA Certified Executive Protection; OB Fitness Founder & Managing Director.

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